Youth Photo Release
Each Rotary Club should keep photo releases signed by both parents if the subject is a minor (under age 18) or signed by the subject if the subject is an adult (age 18 or older). If the Club has such a release, then the Club may use images of the subject in its PR, on its website, etc. The responsibility for obtaining and retaining releases should be coordinated with the Club’s youth program chairs and the Club’s board of directors. The photo releases should be kept by the registrar of each program.
The District should keep photo releases signed by parents or youth so the District can use images in its PR, on the District website, etc.
RYLA and LEAD have releases as part of the student application.
Before use, please verify with your club’s attorney that the form is appropriate for use by your club and meets your club’s local jurisdiction legal requirements.
Rotary Club Photo Release Form: PDF or Word
District 5340 Photo Release Form: PDF or Word