District Training Assembly
District Training Assembly is an annual symposium where clubs from across Southern California gather to prepare for the Rotary Year that begins July 1st.
District Training Assembly (DTA) typically happens in the spring, and is designed to provide training for President-Elects, club committee chairs, secretaries, treasurers, and board members. There is also a wealth of information for existing Rotarians and newer Rotarians.
DTA offers something for everyone, with roughly 40 different classes spread out across three different sessions. If you want to learn more about Rotary and all of the programs of District 5340, DTA is where you'll find the information you seek, and help you take your club to new levels.
2025 DTA will be held on March 29. Registration from 7:30 to 8:30. Opening Session from 8:30am to 9:00am and DTA from 9:00am to 12:00pm. These times are subject to change.
District Training Assembly 2024
Thank you to everyone who attended the District Training Assembly 2024 we had over 250 Rotarians at the training. If you missed the training or would like to view the recordings and presentations, please see the left-sided column.