The District Environmental Sustainability Committee (DES) is hosting its monthly meeting on January 9 from 6:00-7:00 PM and you are invited to attend by Zoom. This month they will discuss food waste and how to save food!
On average, 40% of wasted food comes from households in the US while 1 in 6 children is food insecure. ReFED estimates that 24% of all food in the U.S. – 54 million tons – goes to waste. When we waste food, we also waste water, agricultural resources and fossil fuels used to produce, transform, and transport food. Reducing Food Waste is a way to both help the environment and reduce food insecurity. This is why Rotarians are taking action to save food. The Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG) created a food waste task force two years ago to support food waste projects and educate Rotarians. Although California is one of the most advanced states with regulations in place to divert food waste from landfills, there is still much to do to save food. Click Read More to continue article and get Zoom link.
On average, 40% of wasted food comes from households in the US while 1 in 6 children is food insecure. ReFED estimates that 24% of all food in the U.S. – 54 million tons – goes to waste. When we waste food, we also waste water, agricultural resources and fossil fuels used to produce, transform, and transport food. Reducing Food Waste is a way to both help the environment and reduce food insecurity. This is why Rotarians are taking action to save food. The Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG) created a food waste task force two years ago to support food waste projects and educate Rotarians. Although California is one of the most advanced states with regulations in place to divert food waste from landfills, there is still much to do to save food. Click Read More to continue article and get Zoom link.
The DES is pleased to host Joe Richardson, a member of the Southern Frederick Rotary Club, Maryland, and a member of the ESRAG Food Waste Task Force. Joe launched the Lunch out of Landfills program many years ago. With the help of Interact clubs, the movement has grown throughout his State, and reached other clubs in Idaho and Hawaii. The presentation will focus on Lunch out of Landfills discussing food recovery, composting, decontamination of recycling, plastic film recovery through the Trex grassroots program and Lithium battery recovery with an emphasis on engaging youth through Rotaract and Interact clubs and school green teams.
Join them via Zoom.