District 5340's Nominating Committee is now accepting completed application forms for the Governor of District 5340 for the Rotary Year 2027 – 2028. The application deadline is September 30, 2024.
All nominations must be submitted on the District Governor-Nominee Application Form and Resolution.
Fully completed forms can scanned and emailed to Don Fipps at donfipps@gmail.com or submitted to the district mailing address: District 5340 – DG Nomination Committee, P.O. Box 712407, Santee, CA 92072.
Qualifications for District Governor are prescribed by the Rotary International Manual of Procedures (RIMOP).
This manual offers a concise version of Rotary’s policies and procedures. The manual is geared to Rotary club and district leaders and features information that’s most relevant to their roles. It is published every three years to reflect adopted legislation and decisions of the RI conventions, the Council on Legislation, the Rotary International Board of Directors, and the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation.
The manual covers these key areas:
1. Structure: Includes policies and procedures for clubs, districts, zones, Rotary International, and The Rotary Foundation.
2. Carrying out Rotary's mission: Includes the structure, policies, and procedures of the programs of RI and the Foundation.
3. International Meetings: Includes the RI Convention, Council on Legislation and International Assembly.
4. Rotary's constitutional and legal documents.
Rotary International District Governor Job Description:
As a district governor you have proven strong leadership skills and decision making. During your year in office, clubs will look to you for leadership, support, and motivation as they carry out service projects and participate in Rotary programs.
What you do:
1. Strengthen clubs, organize new clubs, and grow membership.
2. Encourage contributions and other support for The Rotary Foundation.
3. Promote positive public image and serve as spokesperson for district.
4. Develop a safe environment for youth participants.
5. Conduct district conference and other meetings.
6. Supervise district nominations and elections.