Beginning in January, more changes are coming for Newsbits.
There has been considerable discussion surrounding the amount of email members receive from the district. In an ongoing attempt to not bombard members, the frequency of Newsbits is changing. Beginning with the first edition of Newsbits in January, we will be sending out Newsbits on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.
We will also be changing what is featured in each edition. This most certainly will be a work in progress and will require clubs to play a part.
The first week will feature ads for upcoming events from both the clubs and the district. The third week will feature key district events and stories about service projects and articles of interest that supports the ideals of Rotary both locally and world-wide. Since we will only be featuring ads once a month, club ads will be displayed for a two-month period. It will be important that there be a link provided for our readership to click on to obtain all the necessary information and/or to register. We definitely want your event to be successful.
Clubs are being asked to be more proactive in sharing their stories, especially following club events. For both service projects (local and international) and club event summaries, we would love two to three paragraphs with photos submitted to the Newsbits Editor, Sandy Pugliese at sandyp304@gmail.com by Friday before the 3rd Sunday of each month. You may also call her at 619 813-8922 if you have questions. When you submit write ups, please provide a contact person and phone number in case there are questions. There is much to be learned from these stories, and it is an opportunity to showcase your successes. You do not have to be a professional writer; our editor can assist in that regard.
We hope these changes will be beneficial to all. As we move through this process, we welcome your feedback.