Please join us for the Walk to End Polio fundraiser sponsored by District 5340 Rotaract Council on October 22.  It is at Balboa Park starting at 8 am; we'll be walking five of the seven bridges with mimosas and breakfast burritos at the finish.  What better way to start off your Sunday morning than to walk in the 4th Annual Walk to End Polio. Just click HERE.  
Today is Global Handwashing Day and reminds people around the world to wash their hands with soap.  You might not think that by merely washing your hands with soap, you could be saving a life. It seems like such a mundane thing to do. It's something your parents or teachers have drilled into your head for years. "Remember to wash your hands." That's because washing your hands, with soap of course, is the best way to get rid of germs.  My Apple Watch automatically starts timing my handwashing and alerts me when 20 seconds have passed.  Yes, that is left over from COIVD-19 precautions.