Join the global movement on October 24 as Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs around the world take action to promote awareness of polio and raise funding for Rotary’s polio eradication efforts. With poliovirus now being reported in previously polio-free areas, the past few years have truly shown that polio anywhere is a threat to children everywhere.
In this critical year for polio eradication, we need your help to show the world the tenacity of Rotary members in accomplishing an audacious goal: a polio-free world. Visit our World Polio Day webpage for resources and tips on how you and your club can participate in promoting a polio-free world on October 24.
The District’s Don’t Wait Vaccinate Committee (DWV) has joined forces with the District’s Foundation PolioPlus Committee.  Since 1994 the DWV’s mission has been to educate the community on the value of all vaccinations for all ages, especially children, including Polio. 

The members’ efforts focused on engagement with high schools (Interact), participation with the Department of Health and Human Services attending fairs, distribution of materials and volunteer support when needed.  Going forward the PolioPlus Committee will take the lead focused on supporting The Rotary Foundation to raise awareness and fundraising for PolioPlus and the DWV sub-group will continue to educate the community on the importance of vaccinations.
Upcoming events 2023:

Month of August – San Diego Health and Human Services Agency Promotes Immunization Month. 
October 22nd – District Event: Rotaract PolioPlus Walk in Balboa Park.
October 24th – World Polio Day – Need ideas or Register your Club event at World Polio Day | End Polio. 
Let’s make polio history. Together, we end polio!
Contact information: 

Beth Garrow, District Foundation PolioPlus Chair –
Jeanne Schmelzer and Cheryl Wilson– Don’t Wait, Vaccinate Subcommittee Co-chairs:,
Emily Chen – District 5340 Rotaract Chair