Rotarian Fernanda Torres, peace chair for the San Diego Coastal Rotary Club is quarantined in Tijuana.  While there, she identified major needs in her community and texted her Club president, Jenny Parker about the issues.  Members of the club went into immediate action and obtained a COVID grant from the District and Torres were able to obtain thousands of pieces of much need personal protective equipment (PPE) at a great price and get them distributed to clinics and hospitals in Tijuana.
The San Diego Coastal Rotary Club also put together a COVID grant to aid kids and families in need.  As a result, more than 1,000 pounds of beans and rice were distributed to orphanages and families in Mexico. As much as San Diegans are suffering physically and economically during this pandemic, our sister city across the border is doing even worse with no or limited safety nets to assist.  If any other clubs would like to contribute to people in need in Tijuana, Torres and Parker will be able to help make sure the funds and resources get to where they need to go.  For more information, contact Jenny Parker at