LEAD is October 14-15, 2023.
Since 2009, the District LEAD Program - Leadership, Ethics, Aspirations & Determination – has been an opportunity for clubs to provide a unique two-day leadership, confidence, and growth conference for area 8th grade students. Pre-selected for their DEMONSTRATED leadership skills, the students attend a two-day (Saturday and Sunday) camp developed, presented, and funded by local Rotarians, and hear from speakers who help further nurture these talented leaders at a most critical point in their development.
Click "Read More" for additional information including how you can participate and how to sponsor students.
LEAD encourages young people to discuss issues of ethical responsibility, improve leadership and communication skills, become self-motivated to reach goals, and develop a positive outlook on life ... all while having fun and making friends.
LEAD introduces the concepts of proactive self-leadership (setting and achieving personal goals), the importance of self-care (including emotional, social, and physical well-being), and selflessness (thinking outside oneself in service of others).
Your club can be the difference! The LEAD Committee is looking for interested Rotary Clubs to help fund two students – one boy and one girl – from their area-partner middle schools to attend this event at Cuyamaca Outdoor School, a San Diego County Office of Education campus. We are also looking for volunteer Rotarians to help facilitate, riding the buses with the students and spending two days sharing their love of “Service Above Self” to develop a new generation of leaders.
Over 70% of area Rotary Clubs have participated in the last 15 years. Your club can, too! The cost is $300 per sponsored student – there is no cost to the students, their parents, or their schools – and the LEAD Committee welcomes the opportunity to visit each club and explain the benefits of this program to help gain support from club leadership on why this program is so important, and recruit LEAD Facilitators from your membership – it’s an experience no Rotarian ever forgets.
More information is available at www.rotary5340lead.org, and clubs interested in a visit can contact Jim Piburn, Rotary Club Coordinator, at james.piburn_plrc@yahoo.com to schedule a visit. Don’t let this opportunity pass without your club’s enthusiastic support!