I was very pleased to see the 113th President of the Rotary Club of San Diego, Michael Brunker had his 8-year-old grandson Kolu Kalaniopio swear him in in front of a packed audience at Liberty Station this past Thursday (see article from UT in the story section).  I love to see family involved in our Rotary activities; it makes us all better Rotarians and Rotaractors.  A bit of Rotary trivia, the Rotary Club of San Diego is the 10th largest club in the world with 405 members.  The largest is in India, Rotary Club of Vijayawada Midtown with 787 members. 
Today is one of my favorite National Days, July 16th is National Ice Cream Day!  While a member of the Rotary Club of West Sacramento, the club had an annual picnic that included a home-made ice cream contest.  That was a lot of fun.  I usually entered but never won.   So, enjoy some ice cream today, it is a wonderful treat on summer days.