On February 11, 2023, Rotarians from Club Rotario Tijuana Agua Caliente (District 4100), students, parents, and faculty of Escuela Secundaria Num. 11 “Abelardo L. Rodriguez” welcomed Rotarians from La Jolla Golden Triangle Rotary Club (District 5340) to celebrate the installation of a second computer lab together. The computer lab, which has 40 computers and 1 printer, will benefit 650 students per year. 
Club Rotario Tijuana Agua Caliente has identified junior high schools in low-income communities that lack computer equipment. To resolve this issue, junior high schools were preselected to have a computer lab installed. To date Club Rotario Agua Caliente has installed 22 computer labs and reports that the project has been a huge success. Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible. We look forward to our continued partnership to provide opportunities for the youth of Tijuana.
The La Jolla Golden Triangle Rotary Club meets every Friday morning at the UCSD Faculty Club, 9500 Gilman Drive MC 0121, La Jolla, CA 92093 at 7:00 a.m. (lajollagtrotary.org).