Our District 5340 was the first Rotary District in the United States to implement a Rotary Model United Nations Program, started by our District’s Pathways to Peace Committee nineteen years ago. Rotary International has a long and proud association with the U.N, with Rotarians involved in its charter, and having the highest consultative status of any nongovernmental organization.  We are partners with the U.N. in our PolioPlus initiative.

Rotary clubs select teams of two high school students and one advisor, who can be a Rotarian, teacher or parent. A club can sponsor more than one team. Several months before the Conference, the students are given two current-day UN Resolutions to address, and will undergo a day of training in analytical and negotiating skills, what to expect at the actual Conference and then the students select the countries to which they will become ambassadors. Advisors are also given training and advised of our District’s Youth Protection Policy.

Being Rotary, we deliberately recruit students from a cross section of San Diego and Riverside County schools, including inner city schools, charter schools for underprivileged students and more recognized high schools, as well as students from many international countries to give our Conference a true UN flair.  In this way, students from a variety of backgrounds get to interact and become friends with each other. MUN students can be from freshmen to seniors.




Rotary clubs select teams of two high school students and one advisor, who can be a Rotarian, teacher or parent. A club can sponsor more than one team. Several months before the Conference, the students are given two current-day UN Resolutions to address, and will undergo a day of training in analytical and negotiating skills, what to expect at the actual Conference and then the students select the countries to which they will become ambassadors. Advisors are also given training and advised of our District's Youth Protection Policy.
Why should Clubs sponsor a Model UN team?
  • Trains students in peaceful conflict resolution, diplomatic negotiating strategies, and critical and analytical thinking and speaking skills.
  • Exposes students to complex international issues and different cultures and political ideologies in order to develop a more balanced, objective worldly perspective.
  • Increases your Club's involvement with Youth Services in addition to LEAD, RYLA, Interact, Rotaract, and the four-way speech contest.
  • Being Rotary, we deliberately recruit students from a cross section of San Diego and Riverside County schools, including inner city schools, charter schools for underprivileged students and more recognized high schools, as well as students from many international countries to give our Conference a true UN flair.  In this way, students from a variety of backgrounds get to interact and become friends with each other. MUN students can be from freshmen to seniors.


Training Session: January 25, 2025

MUN Conference: March 22-23, 2025


Student Forms

MUN 2025 Letter to Parents

MUN 2025 Permission Slips

MUN 2025 Photography and Video Release

Please contact the District Chair now to reserve space for your Club for this exciting Program.
Rotary Model United Nations Program - developing the peace-makers and world leaders of tomorrow - today.
For more information on Model UN Programs:
Model United Nations Co-Chairs: Kevin Cahill, Isaac Jackson and Klaus Gubernator