
The summertime is the time to begin to plan and promote projects, fundraisers and other events that your club will be doing in the fall.  It is also a great time to remember a successful projects that your club that helped promote Rotary in your community. 

The current story on the district website is an example of how to craft a story to show how your club helped change lives in your community or elsewhere in the world. 

Rotary International is encouraging all Rotarians to Tell Rotary's Story.  Telling others why you are a Rotarian is the best way to recruit new members. Your experience is much more effective than any brochure could ever be. Rotary is not a commodity or product. In a very real sense, being a Rotarian is an emotional experience.  In the current home page story about Mayan Smiles, we all can be touched by the transformation of the surgical lip repair.  We can count the cost to do these kinds of surgeries.  However the impact on this child's life is priceles. 

That story show how we want people to Join community Leaders to meet together to Exchange Ideas so that we can Take Action to make a difference in the world.  Three Rotarians and their respective clubs exchange the idea of a surgical clinic and then took the actions necessary to make the clinic a reality. The surgical treatment and the follow on care given to these children is truly life changing.  I doubt that the surgical team could put a price tag on the satisfaction they receive in return for their services.

Put your stories on your club website and share them with the district by sending them to:

Jim Dunny
NewsBits and District Website Contributing Editor